Teaching to Young Learners
Here, I explain ‘how’ I teach young children and teenagers via the Internet, and why I enjoy it so much.
Many people have asked me, “How do you teach children online?” “How do you keep their attention?” So, I want to talk about that. I want to talk about that. I have a few children that I teach English to, as well as teenagers, and as I said before I really like to use images. Images keep children engaged. I also like to ask lots of questions. Questions make a child interested – to talk about themselves really. They have lots to say and I want them to say it.
So, I have students that are children that are very advanced that can read the entire series of Harry Potter without a problem. I also have students that are children that are not as advanced and we talk about more simple things like…we began with the “family” and then we talked about “colors” and then we’re moving on to the “rooms in the home”. So, there are (<– correction) all sorts of different levels of conversation that I can have with children that get them engaged and get them excited about learning English. Also it’s very, very good for there to be visual contact between myself and the child who is learning on Skype. By having visual contact we are able to make sure, as educators, that the child is one hundred percent involved.
I really love teaching children, I feel like – as cliché as it might sound – that the children of the world are our future. And if we were able to show them life through literature and learning and education, I think it is a very good thing. Um, it’s never bad to be multilingual at age fifteen, so I know for myself that it’s a big bonus for your children to learn foreign languages at an early age, because they, they have brains that are like sponges, you know this. They can absorb all of the information much quicker than adults. So it’s always my recommendation that parents put their children in multiple languages classes, not just English, but French, Arabic, Chinese, learn some other language that is in demand. It will help your child in the future!Job interviews. I would say that almost every single one of my adult students comes to me with questions about job interviews in English.